Women Leadership in Bhutanese Schools


  • Jigme Choden


This paper looks at the lives of women leaders in Bhutanese schools at a time when male dominates many spheres of society such as in governance, management and education. The number of women in leadership positions, especially in schools has not improved much over the years. Even for the few in leadership positions, there are various challenges due to inherent gender biases, cultural practices and societal norms. Many of these challenges are attributed to women’s traditional role in family such as raising children, balancing household work and career. Considering these issues and preconceived biases, taking up leadership roles in a male dominated society is a challenge to women leaders in schools. This study was carried out qualitatively with roots in phenomenology in which participants’ experiences were studied to get in-depth understanding of women leadership in Bhutanese schools. A total of 20 respondents were interviewed to find out perspectives and experiences of women principals and vice principals to highlight their unique strengths, contributions and inherent barriers in taking up leadership roles in schools. Four broad themes emerged including perspectives on women leadership status in Bhutanese schools, women leadership style as compared to men’s leadership, barriers to women leadership in schools, and support mechanisms for women leadership at different levels. In line with the key findings, several recommendations have been made for creating an equitable and just society, the most notable being a call to relook into plans and policies related to the transfer of women leaders in Bhutanese schools. The recommendations suggested are based on the principles of gender equality and empowerment of women in playing important roles in an evolving society4. 




How to Cite

Choden, J. . (2022). Women Leadership in Bhutanese Schools. RABSEL, 21(2), 60–75. Retrieved from http://journal.pce.edu.bt/index.php/rabsel/article/view/6