Teacher’s Instructional Strategies: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Teachers under Thragom Cluster Schools, Trashi Yangtse


  • Tashi Phuntsho Trashi Yangtse Lower Secondary School, Trashi Yangtse
  • Ugyen Palden Thragom Lower Secondary School, Trashi Yangtse




Instructional practices, teaching strategies, 21st-century skills, academic achievement, teacher's belief


This study adopted a qualitative method to explore the instructional practices of teachers in three primary schools under Thragom cluster, Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag. The study was aimed at gaining an understanding of teachers’ beliefs and how their attitude shaped their teaching strategies that impacted students’ learning outcomes. The samples for this study included twelve participants (six teachers and six students) from the three schools. Findings from the study indicated that teachers were well acquainted with 21st-century skills. However, there were disparities between teachers' pedagogical philosophy and actual pedagogical practices involved in the teaching and learning processes. Teachers' teaching styles and behaviors were also found to have a significant impact on student's academic achievement. Students' preferences of learning through ICT-based lessons were found to be effective in improving their understanding.




How to Cite

Phuntsho, T. ., & Palden, U. . (2022). Teacher’s Instructional Strategies: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Teachers under Thragom Cluster Schools, Trashi Yangtse. RABSEL, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.17102/rabsel.22.1.4