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The Editor-in-Chief
Journals. Paro College of Education
Paro, Bhutan
ICT Technical Support Team
The CERD Educational Journal is published twice a year in Spring (May) and Autumn (November) by the Centre for Educational Research and Development, Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan. The Journal welcomes contributors which promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between practicing educators, researchers, planners, administrators, educational thinkers and practitioners, learners and policy makers from Bhutan and abroad. To this end the Journal publishes articles on empirical and theoretical studies, research reports, commentaries and scholarly reviews that attempt a systematic analysis or synthesis of educational processes and systems from different viewpoints and approaches.
The Journal of Educational Action Research (JEAR) is published once a year in Autumn by the Centre for Educational Research and Development, Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan. The JEAR aspires to develop a strong educational research and scholarship culture, through which a systematic, collaborative and participatory process of inquiry can actively seek to address areas of concerns facing education today. This would not only help provide technical skills and specialised knowledge, but also bring about positive changes within the classroom, schools or the community at large. The Journal welcomes contributions from researchers and scholars who work in the field of action research and related activities in education. The JEAR utilises a blind peer review process of its manuscripts and involves both the national and external reviewers.
Contact Us
The Editor-in-Chief
Journals. Paro College of Education
Paro, Bhutan
ICT Technical Support Team