JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL ACTION RESEARCH <p>The Journal of Educational Action Research (JEAR) is published once a year in Autumn by the Centre for Educational Research and Development, Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan. The JEAR aspires to develop a strong educational research and scholarship culture, through which a systematic, collaborative and participatory process of inquiry can actively seek to address areas of concerns facing education today. This would not only help provide technical skills and specialised knowledge, but also bring about positive changes within the classroom, schools or the community at large. The Journal welcomes contributions from researchers and scholars who work in the field of action research and related activities in education. The JEAR utilises a blind peer review process of its manuscripts and involves both the national and external reviewers.</p> Center for educational and Research Development en-US JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL ACTION RESEARCH 2413-5992 སློབ་རིམ་གཉིས་པ་ ཁ་སྡེ་གི་ སློབ་ཕྲུག་ཨ་ལློ་བཅུ་ཐམ་ ལྷག་ནིའི་དཀའ་ངལ་འདི་ ག་དེ་འབད་ སེལ་ཚུགས་ནི་ ཨིན་ན? <p><strong>ངོ་སྤྲོད།</strong></p> <p>སྤྱིར་གཏང་ལྷག་ནི་ནང་ སྐད་ཡིག་ཡར་རྒྱས་གཏང་ནི་གི་ རིག་རྩལ་བཞི་ ཡོད་ས་ལས་ ལྷག་ནི་འདི་ གལ་ཆེཝ་ལས་ ལྷག་ནི་གི་ གཞི་འགྱམ་ ཚུད་པ་ཅིན་ སློབ་ཕྲུག་ཚུ་གི་ རྣམ་དཔྱོད་ཀྱི་ བློ་རྩལ་ཁྱད་འཕགས་ཅན་འབད་སྦྱང་ཚུགས་པའི་ ཁེ་ཕན་ཡོདཔ་ཨིན། སློབ་རིམ་བློ་གསར་ལས་འགོ་བཟུང་སྟེ་ ལྷག་ནིའི་གཞི་འགྱམ་སྒྲིང་སྒྲིང་ མ་ཚུད་པ་ཅིན་ ཕུག་ལུ་སློབ་རིམ་ཡར་སེང་འགྱོཝ་ད་ གདོང་ལེན་སྦོམ་འབད་འབྱུང་ནིའི་ ཉེན་ཁག་ཡོད། དེ་འབད་ནི་འདི་གི་ལྷག་ནིའི་ གཞི་འགྱམ་བསྲ་བརྟན་ཅིག་ ཚུད་དགོ་པ་ཅིན་ གསལ་བྱེད་ དབྱངས་ མགོ་ཅན་ དང་འདོགས་ཅན་ཚུ་ གསལ་ཏོག་ཏོ་འབད་སློབ་ཕྲུག་ཨ་ལོ་ཚུ་གི་རྒྱུད་ལུ་ ཤེས་རྟོག་འབྱུང་དགོཔ་འདི་གལ་ཆེ་བས། དེ་ལས་རྐྱངམ་ཅིག་ སློབ་རིམ་གྱི་ གནས་ཚད་དང་བསྟུན་པའི་ ལྷག་དེབ་ཚུ་ ལྷག་ནིའི་སྦྱང་བ་ འབད་བཅུག་དགོཔ་ཨིན། དེ་ཡང་ ལྷགཔ་ད་ལུ་ཡང་ ཚིག་སྡུད་དང་སྦྱོར་ཀློག་འཕྲོ་མཐུད་དེ་ ལྷག་ནི་ལུ་ སྦྱང་བ་འབད་བཅུག་པ་ཅིན་ སློབ་ཕྲུག་ཚུ་ ལྷག་དེབ་གཞན་ཡང་ ཐོགས་ཆགས་མེད་པར་ལྷག་ནི་ལུ་ ཁེ་ཕན་འབྱུང་ཚུགས་ནི་ཨིན་མས། ལྷག་པར་དུ་ཤེས་ཡོན་ མཐར་འཁྱོལ་ཅན་འབྱུང་ནི་ལུ་ ཕན་ཐོགས་ འབྱུང་ཚུགསཔ་མ་ཚད་ མིང་ཚིག་དང་ བརྗོད་ཚིག་འབྲི་ཐངས་ གཞན་ ལམ་ལུགས་སྲོལ་གྱི་ སྐོར་ལས་ཡང་ ལེགས་ཤོམ་འབད་ ཧ་གོ་ཚུགསཔ་ཨིན། དེ་འབདཝ་ལས་ ལྷག་ནི་གི་ རིག་རྩལ་ནང་ སྦྱང་བ་ ཤུམ་ཚུད་ནི་འདི་ སློབ་རིམ་ཆུང་བ་ ནང་ལས་རང་ གཞི་འགྱམ་ ལེགས་ཤོམ་འབད་ བཙུགས་དགོཔ་འདི་ གལ་ཆེ། སློབ་སྟོན་པ་ རང་གིས་ ལྷག་ནི་གི་ རིག་རྩལ་ལུ་ གཙོ་བོ་ མ་བཏོན་པ་ཅིན་ སློབ་ཕྲུག་ཨ་ལོ་ཚུ་གི་ འབྲི་ནི་དང་སླབ་ནིའི་ རིག་རྩལ་ནང་ཡང་ ཐོ་ཕོག་ནི་ཨིན། འདི་གི་ཡང་མ་དོ་བར་ སློབ་ཕྲུག་ཨ་ལོ་ཚུ་གིས་ རྒྱུད་ལུ་&nbsp; ཡི་གུའི་སྦྱོར་བ། མིང་ཚིག་ གོ་བ་ལེན་ནི་ཚུ་ ཁེ་ཕན་ཡོདཔ་མ་ཚད་ སྔོན་གྱི་མཁས་དབང་ མང་རབ་ཚུ་གིས་ ཡིག་ཐོག་ལུ་ བཀོད་གནང་མིའི་ དགོངས་པ་ཚུ་ཡང་ ཧ་གོ་ཚུགས་པའི་ཁེ་ཕན་ཡོདཔ་ལས་&nbsp; ང་བཅས་འབྲུག་པའི་མི་ཁུངས་ག་ར་དང་ འཕྲལ་དུ་སྦྱང་བརྩོན་འབད་མི་ སློབ་ཕྲུག་ན་གཞོན་ཚུ་གིས་ རང་གིས་ རྒྱལ་ཡོངས་སྐད་ཡིག་ནང་ ཡིག་ཐོག་ལུ་བཀོད་མི་ ལྷག་དེབ་ཚུ་ ཐོགས་ཆགས་མེད་པར་ གཅིག་མཚུངས་འབདལྷག་ནི་ལུ་ སྦྱང་བརྩོན་འབད་ནི་དང་ རྒྱལ་ཡོངས་སྐད་ཡིག་འདི་ བསྲ་བརྟན་དང་ཡུན་བརྟན་འབད་བདག་འཛིན་འཐབ་ནིའི་ཕྱིར་དུ་ ལག་ལེན་ཞིབ་འཚོལ་འབད་ནིའི་ འགོ་བཙུགས་ཡི། ལྷག་པར་དུ་ སློབ་རིམ་གཉིས་པ་ཁ་སྡེ་ནང་ སློབ་ཕྲུག་ཨ་ལོ་བཅུ་ཐམ་དེ་ཅིག་ རྫོང་ཁ་ལྷག་ནི་ལུ་དཀའ་ངལ་ཆེ་སུ་འབད་ཡོདཔ་ལས་ ཞིབ་འཚོལ་གྱི་ཐོག་ལས་གནས་སྟངས་དབྱེ་དཔྱད་འབད་ཡི། འདི་བསྒང་ སློབ་ཕྲུག་ཨ་ལོ་ཚུ་གི་ རྣམ་དཔྱོད་ཀྱི་བློ་རྩལ་འདི་ སྐྱོ་སུ་ཡོད་པའི་ཁར་ ཕམ་ཚུ་ཡང་ཤེས་ཡོན་ཆུང་མི་གཙང་གཙང་ཨིནམ་ལས་ ལྷག་ནིའི་རྒྱབ་སྐྱོར་བྱིན་ནི་ནང་ཡང་ ལཱ་ཁག་གཏང་ཡོད་པའི་མངོན་གསལ་འབྱུང་ཡི། འདི་ནང་གལ་ཆེ་ཤོས་ཅིག་འདི་ སློབ་ཕྲུག་ཨ་ལོ་ཁོང་རང་ལས་ རང་བཞིན་གྱི་སྤྲོ་བ་ཅིག་ཡང་དགོཔ་ལས་ སློབ་ཕྲུག་མང་ཤོས་ཅིག་ལྷག་ནི་ནང་སྤྲོ་བ་ཞན་སུ་ཡོདཔ་ལས་ འདི་གི་གདོང་ལེན་འབད་ནིའི་དོན་ལུ་ ཐབས་ཤེས་དང་ཐབས་བྱུས་སྣ་ཚོགས་ཀྱི་ཐོག་ལས་ ཞིབ་འཚོལ་གྱི་ཐོག་ལས་ དཀའ་ངལ་སེལ་ཚུགས་ནིའི་ དམིགས་གཏད་སྐྱེད་ཡི།</p> <p><br><br></p> Karma Gyeltshen Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-09 2024-06-09 7 1 Perceptions and Technical Challenges Faced by Teachers while Conducting an Action Research: A case from Lhuentse Dzongkhag <p>This study examined perceptions and technical challenges encountered while conducting action research from 150 teachers of Lhuentse Dzongkhag, Bhutan. A quantitative research approach was employed and data were gathered with a modified <br>version of a previously used survey questionnaire. The results indicated that the teacher-respondents possess positive perceptions toward action research and recognized its benefits for their teaching practice and students' learning. However, the study also divulges challenges faced by teachers, particularly a lack of research knowledge and skills, including questionnaire design, methodology selection, literature review, problem identification, intervention planning, research gap identification, and situational analysis. As a result, the study recommends that school principals, the Dzongkhag Education office, and the Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD) may take the present findings into consideration to enhance the teacher- researcher policy and offer professional development opportunities related to action research which in turn would help to boost teachers' research skills. <br><br></p> Nidup Wangdi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-09 2024-06-09 7 1 Exploring the Effectiveness of Various Strategies to Deal with Overcrowded Classrooms (Class IV & V): An Action Research Case Study at Phuentsholing Primary School <p>Phuentsholing Primary School is in one of the biggest commercial hubs of Bhutan with an increasing number of students enrolling every year. The school has 1598 students this year. On this account, most of the classes are overcrowded with a maximum of 39 students in a class. The classrooms are faced with numerous challenges due to overcrowding and the required elements of classrooms are not met resulting in the drawback of learning progress. So, this action research was designed to investigate the effectiveness of various strategies implemented in the two highest overcrowded classrooms (Class IV E &amp; V F) of Phuentsholing Primary School (N = 78). Therefore, using a mixed method approach, baseline and post-intervention data were collected using various tools such as class tests, interviews, surveys, teaching observation, and documentation. Based on the findings of the baseline data, we implemented specific intervention strategies such as Team Teaching, Seat Rotation, and Peer Tutoring within the time duration of three weeks. On completion of the intervention period, post-intervention data were collected and analyzed using thematic coding for qualitative data and descriptive statistics using SPSS software for quantitative data. A comparative analysis of the baseline and post-intervention data were conducted to see if there has been any improvement in the students’ learning and performance. The study conclusively revealed that the intervention underscored the efficacy of diverse strategies in an overcrowded classroom.</p> Pema Seldon Jamba Cheda Tshering Zam Tenzin Pema Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-09 2024-06-09 7 1 HOW CAN CK-12 (AN OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE, OER) ENHANCE THE ATTITUDE AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF CLASS VII STUDENTS IN SCIENCE? <p>Open Educational Resources (OER) has come to the limelight with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and enables the learning process&nbsp;to be individualized and self-paced. Studying the&nbsp;attitude of the students towards the use of OER like CK-12 and its impact on the academic performance of the students is imperative&nbsp;to enhance its effectiveness. However, there is limited research done to explore the status of attitude about OER and its impact on the learning process. This study attempts to study CK-12 (an Open Educational Resource, OER) towards enhancing the attitude and academic performance of class VII students in science. It is quantitative descriptive research using a survey and quasi-experimental method (switching replication method). The pretest and post-test data on attitude were collected from 57 students of grade VII using an attitude questionnaire before and after the two-month intervention period. During the intervention period, academic performance tests of various concepts were administered.&nbsp;</p> <p>Findings from the research report that though there was no significant difference in the overall attitude of students between the pretest and posttest, there did exist a significant difference in the academic performance of students taught using CK-12 class and regular class. This indicates that though students enjoyed and performed academically well in the self-paced OER modules, it implies that they were aware that teacher-led instruction carried higher importance. Thus, teachers can never be replaced by online self-paced materials. Instead, the two should be complementary and coexist for effective learning.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Sushma Pradhan Sonam Zam Yangchen Zangmo Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-09 2024-06-09 7 1 Improving Dzongkha Performance through Cross-pollination; Augmented by Reading and Writing <p>This study examined the impact of cross-pollination and reinforced reading and writing skills in class 10 students’ academic performance in Dzongkha language. The action research used pre-test and post-test design. The study was conducted in Damphu Central School, Tsirang with 78 class 10 students. Non-probability convenient sampling technique was used and data was collected through pre-post intervention. The data was analyzed in the form of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics by using SPSS-22 version software. The result showed a significant difference in mean score before and after intervention. The mean difference for <br>reading was 2.03 and for writing was 1.80. This indicated that the intervention: Cross pollination and reinforced reading and writing enhanced students’ performance in Dzongkha. At the same length, students’ trial result in Dzongkha revealed a higher mean <br>(46.03) than the mean in the mid-term (44.04) result. Though the study is limited to a school, the findings of this study may have implications to policy makers, educators, and the society.</p> Pem Choden Sonam Wangmo Purnima Rana Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-09 2024-06-09 7 1 Improving Grade VII Students’ Mathematics performance through Cooperative Learning Strategy: An Action Research <p>The study examined the effectiveness of using cooperative learning strategy on seventh grade students’ learning achievement in mathematics and their satisfaction level towards the subject. The study employed a quantitative approach involving experimental research design where cooperative learning was the independent variable while students’ test scores and attitude towards mathematics were the dependent variables. The subjects of the study were 28 students comprising 14 boys and 14 girls respectively. Data were analyzed by calculating means, standard deviations and paired samples t-test. The results revealed a mean score of 44.6 in pre-test and 59.2 in the post-test, with a mean difference 14.6 and the significant value (p) obtained was .000. The findings indicated higher scores in the post-test, vis-a-vis the pre-test of all 28 research participants. Moreover, the students’ satisfaction level analysis indicated that their attitude towards mathematics improved as shown by the increase in the level of interest, understanding and satisfaction in the subject. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers may use cooperative learning strategy to improve students’ academic performance, social interaction skills and foster meta-cognition in students.</p> Samten wangchuk Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-29 2024-08-29 7 1